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Sigurnosni nedostatak programskog paketa python-jinja2

  • Detalji os-a: WN7
  • Važnost: IMP
  • Operativni sustavi: L
  • Kategorije: LSU

openSUSE Security Update: Security update for python-Jinja2

Announcement ID: openSUSE-SU-2016:2465-1
Rating: important
References: #858239
Cross-References: CVE-2014-0012
Affected Products:
openSUSE 13.2

An update that fixes one vulnerability is now available.


This update for python-Jinja2 fixes the following issues:

Update to version 2.8:
– Added `target` parameter to urlize function.
– Added support for `followsymlinks` to the file system loader.
– The truncate filter now counts the length.
– Added equalto filter that helps with select filters.
– Changed cache keys to use absolute file names if available instead of
load names.
– Fixed loop length calculation for some iterators.
– Changed how Jinja2 enforces strings to be native strings in Python 2 to
work when people break their default encoding.
– Added :func:`make_logging_undefined` which returns an undefined
object that logs failures into a logger.
– If unmarshalling of cached data fails the template will be reloaded now.
– Implemented a block “set“ tag.
– Default cache size was incrased to 400 from a low 50.
– Fixed “is number“ test to accept long integers in all Python versions.
– Changed “is number“ to accept Decimal as a number.
– Added a check for default arguments followed by non-default arguments.
This change makes “{% macro m(x, y=1, z) %}…{% endmacro %}“ a syntax
error. The previous behavior for this code was broken anyway (resulting
in the default value being applied to `y`).
– Add ability to use custom subclasses of
“jinja2.compiler.CodeGenerator“ and “jinja2.runtime.Context“ by
adding two new attributes to the environment (`code_generator_class` and
`context_class`) (pull request “#404“).
– added support for context/environment/evalctx decorator functions on the
finalize callback of the environment.
– escape query strings for urlencode properly. Previously slashes were
not escaped in that place.
– Add ‘base’ parameter to ‘int’ filter.

– Update to 2.7.3 (boo#858239, CVE-2014-0012)

Patch Instructions:

To install this openSUSE Security Update use YaST online_update.
Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:

– openSUSE 13.2:

zypper in -t patch openSUSE-2016-1159=1

To bring your system up-to-date, use “zypper patch”.

Package List:

– openSUSE 13.2 (noarch):



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AutorMarko Stanec
Cert idNCERT-REF-2016-10-0035-ADV
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