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Sigurnosni nedostatak programskog paketa pcre

Fedora Update Notification
2017-05-09 21:16:27.649666

Name : pcre
Product : Fedora 24
Version : 8.40
Release : 7.fc24
Summary : Perl-compatible regular expression library
Description :
PCRE, Perl-compatible regular expression, library has its own native API, but
a set of wrapper functions that are based on the POSIX API are also supplied
in the libpcreposix library. Note that this just provides a POSIX calling
interface to PCRE: the regular expressions themselves still follow Perl syntax
and semantics. Detailed change log is provided by pcre-doc package.

Update Information:

This release fixes a crash when finding a Unicode property for a character with
a code point greater than 0x10ffff in UTF-32 library while UTF mode is disabled
and JIT mde enabled. It also fixes a buffer overlflow in pcretest tool when
copying a string in UTF-32 mode.

[ 1 ] Bug #1434504 – CVE-2017-7186 pcre: Invalid Unicode property lookup (8.41/7, 10.24/2)

This update can be installed with the “dnf” update program. Use
su -c ‘dnf upgrade pcre’ at the command line.
For more information, refer to the dnf documentation available at

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